Data Sovereignty

Data sovereignty: to ensure data is protected and stored within specific geographical location(s).

> Where is your data?

Many of the current concerns that surround data sovereignty relate to enforcing privacy regulations and preventing data that is stored in a foreign country from being subpoenaed / witness summoned by the host country’s government.

The Challenge

In the light of work force mobility and BYOD, organisation are faced with the struggle of protecting intellectual property and comply with regulatory requirements, where they have or want data to reside within specific geographic / legally protected locations, but must meet the needs of a global roaming work force. A growing global workforce and the need to collaborate and share data with third parties, customers and partners add to this complexity. Users have increasingly turned to unsecure (shadow IT options), consumer-style cloud services for access to their data and files across all of their devices, as well as the ability to share those files with others. To help IT regain control over employee file sharing, SecureNet Consulting presents enterprise-class, compliant, secure file backup, sync and sharing services and solutions.

Solution Features & Benefits

> International Data Centres, to serve and addressing both geographical and data sovereignty considerations.

  • U.S.
  • U.K.
  • South Africa
  • Singapore
  • Off Shore Locations

> Data Backup 
Solution vendors still focusing on helping medium and small business address data protection with next-generation data backup and recovery, have done very well to provide enterprise control over where your data is being backed up, replicated or migrated.

> File Sync & Share

Solution to consolidate the management of data across your enterprise, to incorporate endpoint and mobile devices. Security features include remote wipe, device lock, passcode protection, whitelisting, blacklisting and data expiration policies allow you to determine exactly how sensitive data is stored, accessed and shared.

> Encryption
  • Encrypt data in transit from the cloud through authorised applications to endpoint / mobile devices. Ideally data remain encrypted on devices and controls are applied to prevent that data being copied anywhere other than authorised / specified by policy.
  • Encrypt data at rest / storage with their own encryption keys.

> Tokenization
Can be used to keep sensitive data local (resident) while tokens (replacement data) are stored and processed in the cloud / foreign data centres.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements in more detail.

P: +44(0)7714 209927

S: +44(0)1273 329753