Database Encryption

> Database Encryption - tokenization, dynamic data masking, field-level, column-level encryption, privileged user access controls, centralised key management, and file access logging.

> Data-at-Rest Security

> Protect Sensitive Data - whether they’re malicious DBAs, hackers or authorities with court orders - from accessing valuable data in databases.

> A more cost effective, efficient and high performance encryption solution than relying on costly native database encryption tools.

> Centralise and streamline encryption key management not only the keys for DB2, Oracle or SQL, but also for other databases, applications, and KMIP-compatible encryption solutions.

> Native database encryption is also not enough to satidfy wider compliance and audit for user and data security control.


Why Do You Need Database Encryption

The obligation to protect customer, patient data and corporate sensitive data.

> Data is the key target for security breaches…..

> Database Servers a major Source of Breached Data and fraud

> Database Servers Are The Primary Source of Breached Data

Without Database Security tools, you do not meet auditor requirements

  • For Separation of Duties
  • Audit trail is not secure
  • Inconsistent policies enterprise-wide

Are you ready for the next Audit?
  • Control and protect individual database field, column, row or table, and even file or even complete disks.
  • Transparent Data Encryption

> Monitor

  • Detect hacks and application layer fraud
  • Monitor privilege users


> Discover & Classify
  • Discover and classify sensitive data
  • Automate security policies

> Enforce & Protection

> Block unauthorised access to sensitive data 

> Enforce and audit change control

> Quaratine suspicious users 

> Mask sensitive data 

> You need real-time policy enforcement and audit logging 

> Seperation of duties for privledge users 

> Shield data from privileged and administrator users 

> Detect database vulnerabilities 

> High speed advanced cryptography 

> No application changes needed 

> Database encryption is designed to prevent unauthorised access to locally stored databases 

> Database encryption provides an additional layer of security because ACL settings do not protect locally stored databases.

> Encrypt local databases if they are stored on a portable computer, or if you share your computer with other users. 

> When a user copies a database, the data remains encrypted - even if the database is copied at the operating system level. 

> layers of built-in security for authentication, access control, encryption, tamper-proof storage, and data protection with no backdoor or DBA access provides unprecedented security for privileged accounts.  

> Centrally manage encryption keys and policies 

> Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP)-compliant encryption platforms 

> Policy-based access controls that restrict access to encrypted data. Privileged users - whether cloud, virtualization, or storage administrators - can manage systems, without gaining access to encrypted data, unless they have expressly been granted permissions to do so.

> Password Database Protection

Most organisations today rely on a combination of passwords and SSH keys to authenticate users to privileged accounts.

Compliance regulations like PCI DSS, Sarbanes Oxley, NIST, NERC-CIP, HIPAA and more, have increased their requirements to control, manage and monitor privileged account access. 

> Compliance  

Reduce the cost of compliance
  • Automate security controls, audit and reporting.
  • FIPS 140-2 Level certification to meet regulations and compliance for PCI standards.
  • Audit and reporting for governance requirements such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
  • Tamper-proof audit logs.

  • Access Control: Ensure regulatory compliance and reduce risks by setting policies for separation of administrative duties.
  • Audit and log all systems configuration changes.
  • Audit logs are created for all user logons and logoffs and for invalid access attempts.
  • Audit ready Reports.
  • SIEM integration.

> Platforms  supported

  • DB2 and IMS databases
  • SAP / Oracle
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server

  • Not Only SQL
  • Sybase
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, and IBM z/OS

Also see

Enhanced encryption performance for:

- Data warehouses, Big Data Environments and file shares

- Removable media encryption

- Mobile device encryption


- Data Storage - Tokenization

Contact us today to discuss your requirements in more detail.

P: +44(0)7714 209927

S: +44(0)1273 329753