Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Data security solutions for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Applies to the financial services industry (Insurance, Securities, Banking).

> Little of the legislation is directly applicable to IT.

> PCI or HIPAA provide more tangible implementation specifics, that should, if followed, also provide proper controls for GLBA as well.

> GLBA references ISO 17799 as a guideline.

IT Requirements Summary:

1. You must have a written security policy.

2. You must establish a baseline – risk assessment – vulnerability scan

3. You must monitor and report on access to any files, folders, or databases that contain consumer financial information.

4. You must notify any consumer if you believe their information has been compromised.

Solutions & Features

Below: list of solution features required or recommended in order to meet compliance.

> Firewall

- Required

- Strongly Recommended

> Instant Messaging Security – IM logging and/or prevention

- Required
> Centralised Reporting

- Strongly Recommended 

- Required 
- 24 Hours for Critical updates 
 - Recommended

> Encryption 
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires financial institutions to determine when encryption of customer information in transit or in storage is appropriate and if so, to implement it.

GLB Requirement
Solution Features
Secure data at rest within the organisation

File, folder and virtual drive encryption as standard to secure data at the endpoint.

Secure data in transit

Full-disk and removable media encryption for USB drives and optical media to secure data on the move.

Secure data for mobile / home working practices

Full-disk encryption for laptops. Business licenses extend to privately owned home computers at no extra cost.

Secure transfer of data between locations

Outlook plug-in, clipboard encryption compatible with all mail clients including webmail, and attachment encryption for any system. Optical media encryption allows the safe transfer of data stored on CD or DVD. 

Block / Limit access to certain data

Allow different levels of access to be configured for different users.

Allow access to secure data when requested.

Allow extensive, remote control of encryption software policy and encryption keys.

Secure safe storage of personal data

Encrypt business users and personal user data.

Secure destruction of redundant data

Securely delete data to the DoD-5220.2 M standard ensuring that it is completely unrecoverable.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements in more detail.

P: +44(0)7714 209927

S: +44(0)1273 329753