Load Testing

Website load testing

Website load testing - are your online services fit for purpose?

Our specialist team of Load Testing Engineers are experts in configuring and executing load tests. If your testing needs are complex or you simply need extra resources, we can help you get ready for peak website traffic.

Website load testing helps you get in front of trouble. Our platform is built to find, fix and avoid performance problems.

5 reasons to start testing today

Be Proactive
Protect Revenue
Find Performance Bottlenecks
Gauge capacity under load
Optimise your site.

Find performance issues – and fix them – before your next site launch or sales event.

If online sales make or break your bottom line, load testing is the most recommended way to prepare your site.

Remove barriers to the user experience. Today’s consumers have zero patience for under-performing sites.

Know exactly how your site will perform on Black Friday, Cyber Monday or your average Wednesday.

Besides helping you identify and remediate performance bottlenecks, testing can suggest improvements that make a bottom-line difference.

Test Types
  • Load Tests: The main goal of the test is to determine the system response times for predictable production load. These results will determine if the solution meet Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In addition the solutions functionality is measured when data throughput is reflected in the amount of errors or fails encountered.
  • Soak Tests: Here the solution is exposed to a prolonged period of testing.  The normal profile of a usual days running is in increased both in the volume of transaction and the duration. Solutions when exposed to such running may stop working due to a number of issues, including; database size limitation, space to store logging data is fully used, memory leaks, session or connection limits reached, or data not optimised to allow efficient storage and retrieval.
  • Stress Tests: The solutions are pushed beyond the expected daily usage,  to the point at which it fail completely or starts to run slowly so it fails to meet KPIs and SLAs. To do this we perform spike, stepped and ramp-up tests.
  • Fail-over Tests: We conduct fail-over tests to determine if the redundancy in a solution behaves as expected. If database clusters or web servers fail, does the solution fail-over and allow the solution to continue? We also monitor performance of the solution to verify conformance.

Key Benefits

  • Easy identification of bottlenecks and potential points of failure.
  • Reduced costs.
  • Improved customer experience.
  • Increased employee productivity.
  • Insights into future infrastructure & IT requirements.
  • Improved usability.
  • Verification of solution's longevity.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements in more detail.

 +44(0)7714 209927

 +44(0)1273 329753
