PCI DSS Requirement 9

PCI DSS Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data 

Requirements Addressed

9.10.2 Render cardholder data on electronic media unrecoverable so that cardholder data cannot be reconstructed.

Solution Features

> WAF (Web Application Firewall)

Controls reduce the need to give individuals direct physical access to cardholder data.

> Restrict portable storage device usage

- Device control and policy settings can enforce and monitor access to systems and restrict access to portable storage devices that contain cardholder data.

- When data needs to be disposed of, solutions supports secure authorised deletion of encryption keys to ensure that encrypted data is rendered unrecoverable.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements in more detail.

P: +44(0)7714 209927

S: +44(0)1273 329753
